Reading these articles were both very interesting and both made valid points. It amazes me how much technology has become apart of everyone's life and how much more life is now that there is technology. Of course, back in the days there wasn't any technology and everything was written and on paper. In the article "Reading in a whole new way" it makes points showing how difficult it was to read on paper in the 11th century. For example, there were no spaces in between the lines when reading, which made the reading process more difficult and was a talent if you could read silently to yourself. This article was also very interesting to me because it proves to you how in the future America will depend on technology and reading on screens. In the article "Reading on Screens" does an excellent job of proving so. From e-books, videos, information and much more, you can now find everything online and even read almost everything online or on screens. The only downfall about reading things on screens is not sometimes the things you read online are not always true. While both on screen reading and reading from paper both have their advantages, I personally think reading on screen is more beneficial because I feel more organized. Both of these articles were great articles to read and eye opening because I have never truly realized how important reading on papers has been to America.
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