Tuesday, December 4, 2018

PechaKucha PPT script

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Graphic Content
Hello! My name is Cameron Felch, I am junior here at Limestone and I am majoring in Communications with a minor in business administration. For today’s presentation I am going to talk to you about how social media has effected businesses and why it is beneficial to use social media for your business.
What exactly is Marketing?
Marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products, including market research and advertising. Some examples of marketing include social media marketing, pay per click, and publication through blogging and eBooks
It is mar eting of scrabble”
Why is marketing important for a business?
 Having social media can raise the sales and the revenue increase as well. It allows businesses to be more engaged with their customers and have better relationships with their clients. Not only is this important, but they can also connect with the entire world and get ideas from other businesses.

“White blank notebook”
In today’s society there are several ways you can stay involved through social media for a business to be successful. Some ways to stay involved included:

While it is important to connect through several social medias, Facebook and LinkedIn are used most frequently. You can update your clients, highlight any achievements that your business has accomplished,  and generate and share ideas with people across the world.
“Photo of laptop near plant”
Being able to understand your audience will help you and your business in the long run.

              What they are mainly interested in
              How you can help your business based of your audience
              Understanding your audience can help your marketing benefits because you will be able to post more of your audience likes and is more interested in. Thus being said, your business will increase by sales and will be beneficial in the long run.
              This will also show what products your clients are buying

“Church-audience-chairs-light- row of chairs”
While it is important to keep your business up and running, it is also important to stay friendly with your clients. Thus being said,
              Be consistent
              Be active, social and energetic
              Be open to anyone and everyone
              Be open to new ideas
              Be prepared for negative comments
              Always think about the pipeline

“close up of hand holding text over black background
As you can see is this picture, social media is being used World Wide, whether it is from video chats or videos.
              Snapchat stories: 186M
              Facebook & Messenger stories: 300M
              Instagram stories: 400M
              WhatsApp: 450M

“social media users worldwide”
-        81% of millennials now a days check twitter a least once per day
-        70% of the US population has some kind of social media account on at least one app
-        79% of users of the internet are on Facebook
-        More than 50 million small businesses currently use Facebook or have some kind of social media to promote their business and get the word out there
-        Posts with images are more likely to be viewed 2 time more than regular posts.  

-        5% of male users are on Facebook and 83% of female users are on Facebook
-        91% of social media users are accessing social media channels on their mobile devices
-        LinkedIn has over 530 million user profiles
-        More than half of North America use social media on their phones (62.1 M)

-        59% of business users that have social media accounts have said the customer service is a lot easier to get questions answered and issues resolved
-        Over 50 million businesses use a Facebook page
-        2 million businesses uses Facebook for advertising
-        Social media has caused businesses to be more successful and earn more
-        Instagram earns $595 million in ad revenue per year (which is rapidly increasing)

Business to Customers is used more frequently for Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. Business to customers is used more than business to business, where business to business is commonly used more for twitter, LinkedIn and Google+
-        Earliest form of postal services goes back to 550 BC
-        1792: the telegraph was invented – Pavel Schilling
-        1890: invention of the telephone – Alexander Graham Bell
-        1891: invention of the radio – Nikola Tesla
-        First super computers were invented in 1940s
-        1966: Primitive emails first appeared
-        1970s networking had improved

“Empty white printing paper”
-        1980s: more home computers were more common
-        Internet chats were first used in 1988
-        1999: first blogging sites became useful
-        YouTube came out in 2005
-        2006 Facebook and twitter became available for users
-        2010: Instagram was launched
-        2011: Facebook messenger was launched
-        2011: Snapchat was also launched

“Empty white printing paper”
Traditional Vs Digital Social media has changed tremendously in the pass 50 years. Traditional was back in the day when we didn’t have much technology. Traditional is used for mailboxes, newspaper, flyers, Radio and billboards. Digital is used for, apps, emails, pop-up ads and blogs
“Person holding white and blue business paper”
              Why is social media beneficial? Can connect with any client around the world
              Communicate authority
              Shows authenticity
              Encourages engagement
              Provides support for the clients
              Can help your business grow
              Can share your passion and interest with other groups

“Like printed on wooden tiles”
-        Can receive information quickly
-        Instant responses and views
-        Easier shopping
-        Instant pay

“Like printed on wooden tiles”
Although there are many benefits for your business when using social media, you still have to be to dominate your social strategy. Inclding :
              Stand out (Animoto)
              Being able to post only from your mobile device
              Recognize that your audience enjoys hearing from you and wants to hear from you
              If this then that
              Make it visual
              Post Planner

“Silver IMac near white ceramic kettle”
Of course using social media will be very beneficial and help your business, however there are still some negative impacts that social media can have.
              Fake news
              Unreliable sources
              Cyber threats
              Negative words towards a business

“Facebook Application Icon”
Overall, it is important for businesses to have some kind of social media to stay in touch with the world. using social media for your business can be very beneficial and helpful for the business in the long run. It is highly encouraged now a days that a company promotes marketing or their business through social media.
“Green notecard andfour tile scrabble tiles on gray surface”
CREDITS for all images, etc.