In the article,
"Is Google Making us Stupid", it first talks about how our brain in changing because of how much we read online. This article also talks about how you can hit one button and have all the answers you need because of Google. The article mentions how people are no longer taking their time to actually do the research that needs to be done because of how fast Google works and how much information (whether it is correct or incorrect) we try to pull from one link. Although it is evident that technology has truly taken over our lives and people are constantly on their phones, people still manage to read a good book every now in then so their faces aren't glued to the computer screen. Nicholas Carr even states in his article that computers are becoming the new medium to today's society. Carr makes some excellent points in his article and it really makes me wonder if our universe depends on technology for everything they do or if they are just being lazy.
Scott Karp, who was lit major in college and was a voracious book reader in college, now admits that he doesn't read books anymore and gets distracted after a few pages. Bruce Friedman has also admitted that the internet alters his mental habits.
I believe that Carr has written an excellent article and has made some very valid points in his article. I do agree with the fact that the internet is taking over and we do depend on the internet for everything. As said in the article, we don't take the time to research or spend the time to care. We pull out our phones or our computers and type in one simple question and go off what the internet is saying. It is scary to me that the internet is what we depend on in today's society.