Thursday, February 28, 2019


1. Machinimia:
2.  Video editing (Baseball, Virginia Beach and Snowboarding):
3. Camera Shots Vocabulary:
4. Music video:
5. Virtual Reality and the state it is in:
6.  360 Photography:
7. Interview examples:
8. Updated Resume ( Under resume and education tab):
9.  Script fot Resume video:
10. Updated Portfolio:

For my portfolio, I updated my resume (under the resume tab and education) and I also added videos to my website that I recently made in my class. If you hit the portfolio tab and then click digital literacy, there is a tab under digital literacy that says "videos" and the four videos are under that tab. Enjoy!

    Overall, this class has helped me understand the world of digital communication because I have realized that social media can truly have an effect on the real world and when it comes to getting a job. It can also help jobs now a days by getting the word out there but can also hurt the employees if something negative is posted or negative comments towards an employee.
        For me, I got really frustrated when I had a plan of how something would turn out and but then it didn't actually turn out the way I wanted it to. For example, I got frustrated with the video making process but once I got the hang of it I ended up loving it and noticed that it is one of my specialities for this class.  Thus being said, I hope that I will be able to take my video making process into the real world and show off what I can do. I have also learned how to interview (with interview tips) and what questions are appropriate to ask and the correct way to answer. Therefore, I know I will be interviewed for jobs and possibly have to interview people and will be able to take this further as planned.

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